we're just like an ordinary creative agency but without all the bull$#it
* at least we try
we're good at

image / tactical / 360 campaigns

identity / branding

package design

supervision of 3d-parties
(production, post-production, 3D, and animation)
To remind everybody that the Christmas season is the Coca-Cola season, we designed Santa-Cola.
It is a limited edition of Coca-Cola bottles wrapped in foil like a chocolate Santa.
The bottle is wrapped in such a way that a part of the Coca-Cola logo resembles the image of Santa.
mac x yasmine sabri
Beauty is just an irresistible power! We developed package design, names, and slogans for a limited series of beauty tool kits, which were sold in MENA region exclusively.
Limited edition for man.
Limited edition for women.
Call of beauty series for the MENA region exclusively.
Stella Artois
Christmas limited edition.
Design for cider-based low-alcohol drink.